May we Suggest?

Curated lists of books and more!

9 "Herstory" Books for Women's History Month

6 Great Novels for Black History Month

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Call us at 508-393-5025 ext 3 or stop by the desk at the top of the stairs, and chat with a librarian.  Together we'll help you discover some books and authors that you might enjoy based on your reading interests.

Fill out our reader's profile and get a personalized reading list! A Northborough librarian will create a list of 5 to 8 books and authors that you might enjoy based on your responses.

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Websites with Reading Suggestions


Booksellers' suggestions of new books and critical reviews on recently published titles. You can subscribe to a free monthly newsletter, find read-alikes for your favorite titles and authors, join an on-line book discussion, and more.

This online edition of a monthly book review magazine highlights bestsellers and new writers for adults and children; including publishing news, and in-depth interviews with popular authors. Pick up a free copy of the print version at the Library.


A monthly list of the top ten books recommended by librarians from around the country.




Find articles, reviews, and recommendations about books and authors featured on National Public Radio.



What's the next book in the series? This simple-to-use database maintained by the Nebraska Library Commission shows you the list of books in a series for many popular, adult fiction writers.


Northborough Free Library's Reading Suggestions


Find more reading suggestions on our Pinterest boards including award winners, staff picks, teen reads for grownups, and more!



Use the links below for access to detailed and authoritative information on all things reading and literature, including book reviews and reading suggestions.


Find biographies, criticism, primary source material, reviews, and overviews. A great source for researching authors and their works, literary movements, and genres from all time periods and from around the world.


Biography, criticism, and overviews on 130,000 writers in all disciplines.



NoveList Plus gives book recommendations for favorite authors, titles, and series. Search by title, plot, or writing style to find read-alikes. Find reading lists for popular genres and non-fiction, or browse reviews and discussion guides.

Websites for Your Book Group

You've started or joined a book discussion group, now what? These websites will help you select satisfying, thought-provoking, and, of course, discussible books to get you started -- and keep you going -- in fun and interesting discussions.

Vist our Book Group page to see what other groups are discussing

Keeping Track of What You're Reading

Your C/W Mars Account

Your C/W Mars account allows you to keep track of all the items that you have checked out or placed on hold (the library does not keep records of items that you've returned). This list is confidential, and accessible only to you. Your reading history will begin only once you activate this feature:

Log in to your library account, click the "Account Preferences," then the "Search and History Preferences" tab, and check the box next to "Keep history of checked out items?"

You can discontinue your history at any time by unchecking the box.

You can also keep track of what you have requested by clicking the "Account Preferences" -> "Search Preferences" tabs and check the box next to "Keep history of holds?"

You can also create your own personal reading lists from items in the library catalog by selecting the "My Lists" tab and following the prompts.

Two places on the web where you can list, organize, and recommend books to others are: